Monday, July 9, 2012

Log into your Facebook Account using 3 Different Passwords!

Facebook lets you log into your account via 3 passwords, but not many users are aware of this feature. This is mainly done by facebook to simplify the login process to your account.You may seem surprised by this fact, but let me explain in detail.

Consider you have your password for your facebook account as passWord then
1. Original Password
This doesn’t require any explanation as this is the same original password which is used to log into to your account, so in this case its “passWord“.
2. Inverted Caps
Here the password is typed in the toggled caps of the original password where the upper case will be in lower and lower case in upper, hence is used to prevent when the caps lock is kept turned on without the users knowledge. Hence when the exact same password is typed in the reverse case, the facebook accepts the password and logs you in.So in this example its “PASSwORD”.
3. Beginning letter Capitalized
The third case is to help the people who log in through their mobile phones. Since the phone automatically by default types its first letter in caps, the Facebook adjusts the login to be authenticated through these faults as well through the third type of password.Hence as the original password, the third type refers to being the first letter being capitalized, so in the example the password would be “PassWord“.
Hence these are the 3 different passwords that allow you to log into the facebook site successfully,.If you like to share your tricks with us, then let us know by your comments.,Cheers.:D

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